You’re invited to participate in China’s first PopPlant-Based Festival! This trendy event in Baiziwan will take place duringMid-Autumn Festival, and it will be filled with foods, music, and otheractivities.
On September 22nd and 23rd, during thetraditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the country’s firstplant-based festival will introduce a trendy, green, and modern plant-basedlifestyle to the new generation. The food festival opens at the 22ndStreet Art District in Beijing. Participants will experience a healthyplant-based lifestyle through diverse food, music, social, fitness, and otheractivities. They will meet likeminded people of all ages, taste amazing food,and enjoy a truly unique experience. There is no better way to reinterpret theMid-Autumn Festival.
在活动当天您除了体验到全国各地的100%纯植物制造美食外,很多非素食餐厅首度推出“纯素美食”,也会充分满足您的好奇心。据主办方透露,届时美国一线植物蛋白Gardenof Life 以及泰国椰子水品牌领导者Gre3n,也会来到现场助阵,您可以在这里花上一整天,边吃边逛,享受来自世界各地的美食。美食市集免费进入,上百家餐厅的大集合,让您的味蕾在唇齿间绽放。
Foreign big-name brands will help create a newconcept for living a healthy lifestyle. The Pop Plant-Based Festival willsatisfy participants by providing a one-stop shopping experience that issuitable for all ages.
In addition to experiencing 100% pure plant-based foodfrom all over China, participants will get to taste vegan food launched bynon-vegetarian restaurants for the first time. According to the organizers,some exciting brands will be attending. These include Garden of Life, a leadingplant-based protein company from the United States, as well as Gre3n, a leadingcoconut water brand from Thailand. The gourmet market is free to enter, and thelarge collection of hundreds of food choices will certainly satisfy your tastebuds.
In addition to satisfying your taste buds, theorganizers have created an experience that combines various visual, auditory,and flavorful elements. All of your senses will be stimulated. At the FitFest,for example, participants are invited to unleash their athletic power and enjoythe many fitness-focused activities on offer.
Bringing together the hottestfitness instructors and Internet bloggers from Beijing and Shanghai, there willbe on-site teaching and science-based fitness lessons. Whether you love sportsor not, the event’s fun and diverse activities will make you happily sweat allday. You can meet other likeminded fitness friends and make contacts in thefitness industry. It is worth mentioning that the organizers have invitedforeign brands, including the Canadian sports fashion brand TITIKA,toparticipate on-site and showcase overseas sporting culture.
乐动北京 为健康添彩
China’s first party of its kind will bring livelymusic to Beijing and entertain you throughout the night. After a long day offood and exercise, there will be an explosive audio-visual feast to challengeyour whole body. This is the first rave party in China centered on aplant-based lifestyle, and its origins are in London’s fashionable “Vegan Nights.”Young participants will burst into Beijing to redefine the concept of “goodfood and fun.” In addition to meeting special guests invited by the organizers,participants will have the opportunity to sample healthy food, craft beer,organic wine, and creative cocktails.
Music design elements such as guitars andmusic notes will be seen everywhere, and unique interactive settings willcreate an immersive wrap-around experience in all directions.
The event will not only have the most cutting-edgeart installations, but it will also promote traditional Chinese culture. Theevent’s special sponsor, Angel International Art Education, will invitecollectors to exhibit many precious pieces. The robes on exhibit will symbolizewealth and showcase exquisite craftsmanship. The high-quality ancienthand-embroidered patterns will allow your eyes to feast on traditional Chineseculture.
The organizers sincerely invite parents and children to visit theexhibit of embroidered robes where child-friendly educational materials will beprovided. There will also be professional teachers making hand-made clasps andteaching participants about dragon robes.
👏“食”“尚”不能停 下一站更精彩👏
The Pop Plant-Based Festival continues onwards!And the next stop is even more exciting. Jointly sponsored by Rootpop, Dao Foods,Veg Radar, Lean Way,Vegans of Beijing, UCVA and many other brands, supported byBeijing’s 22 International Art Plaza and promoted by multiple domestic andinternational media, the Pop Plant-Based Festival will bring something new toChina.
In the future, the organizers plan to hold a national tour and continueto create novel events with music, healthy eating, trendy lifestyles, and funpartying. The event’s next stop is in Shenzhen! What awaits you in Shenzhen?Just wait and see!
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